Sunday, June 26, 2022

Bayards Home of a Draper

Bayards now a name long gone from 21st century Brisbane but in the mid 20th century the Bayards name was one of the premier retail store chains of Queensland. With prominent stores in Queen Street and in regional centres of Nambour and Ipswich plus suburban Wynnum they established a loyal trade over more than sixty years. Names such as T. C. Beirne, McWhirter, Overells, Allen and Stark, Finney Isles and McDonnell and East were all integral to the retail trade in 20th century Brisbane. Bayards were one of those traditional family businesses that underpinned the early retail and manufacturing trade of the development of Brisbane from the late 19th century to the mid 20th century before monopolies entred the business world. A Brisbane trading name now lost in time but one that forms part of our city's history. 

 Extract courtesy of The Fashion Archives

"George Arthur Bayard (1866–1933) was a drapery salesman who became a prominent businessman, creating the Bayards department store chain. In his later years, he was member of the Brisbane Chamber of Commerce and Queensland Chamber of Manufacturers, and at one stage, a Stephens Shire Councillor. His four sons were all involved in running the business, and took the reins of Bayards after George Bayard died in the 1930s. They passed on the responsibilities to the next generation of Bayards, with three grandsons of George Bayard carrying on the business up until it closed."

Queen Street in the 1960s showing the Bayards store at the Edward Street end close to the Tattersalls Club and Tattersall's Arcade.

Reginald Arthur Bayard one of George Bayard's four sons was the manager of the main Queens Street branch. In 1939 he had this house built in Upper Cornwall Street, Brisbane. The home is typical of those who wished to make a statement in architectural terms for that time. As a member of Brisbane's wealthier merchant class this home was typical of the architectural style being used through the 1930 decade to distinguish from the timber and tin on posts that was prominent post world war one.

Telegraph (Brisbane, Qld. : 1872 - 1947), Tuesday 24 January 1939, page 21

An effective blending of tapestry brickwork at the base with textured plaster and freestone, which is seen at the entrance to the garage, has been achieved in the home of Mr. R. A. Bayard, in Cornwall Street, Greenslopes.

Courier-Mail (Brisbane, Qld. : 1933 - 1954), Tuesday 23 November 1954, page 3

2nd Bayard will £90,380 Left by retailer

REGINALD Arthur Bayard, 56, former managing director of Bayards Pty., Ltd., Queen Street, who died on August 4, 1953, left a gross estate of £90,380. His home was at Upper Cornwall Street, Greenslopes. Mr. R. A. Bayard's will was yesterday lodged for grant of probate. Realty represented £4984 and personalty £85,396. He left the income of the estate to his widow. 2 Bequests He bequeathed £250 to Brisbane Legacy War Widows' and Orphans' Fund and £100 to Wesley Church, Linton Street, Kangaroo Point. He was a son of Mr. G. A. Bayard, the founder of the family business. His brother, Mr. Henry George Bayard, 65, also a former managing director of the firm, who died suddenly at Armidale (N.S.W.) on May 1, 1953. left a gross estate of £109,092.

The following is the obituary or newspaper report following the death of the founder of the Bayards retail chain George Arthur Bayard in 1933.

Courier-Mail (Brisbane, Qld. : 1933 - 1954), Tuesday 29 August 1933, page 13

Mr G. A. Bayard.

More than 800 persons, representative of almost every section of the community, yesterday attended the funeral of Mr. George Arthur Bayard, who died on Saturday afternoon. Extending for nearly two miles, it was one of the largest funerals seen in Brisbane, and was a fitting tribute to a man who, by his upright character and kindly personality, had earned the highest esteem in Church, social, and commercial spheres. The late Mr. Bayard was principal of the South Brisbane drapery firm of Bayards Pty., Ltd. He had been in business in Brisbane for many years, and was particularly popular with the South Brisbane business fraternity.

Before the cortege moved off to the South Brisbane Cemetery a service was held in the Wesley Methodist Church, Kangaroo Point, where Mr. Bayard had been an executive officer for 25 years. The services in the church and at the graveside were conducted by the Rev. C. Whitehead, assisted by the Rev. R. P. Pope (representing the Rev. H. A. Denny, president of the Methodist Conference), and the Rev. J. A. Pratt (secretary of the Methodist Conference). The chief mourners were his widow and four sons. "He was a true Christian gentleman, and to know him was to love him," said the Rev. C. Whitehead, referring in an address to the splendid attributes of the deceased. Mr. White head mentioned the late gentleman's exemplary service to his Church, his diligence and honest principles in business, and his genial personality, which had endeared him to all.

It was fitting that the pall-bearers should have comprised some of the late Mr. Bayard's closest friends who were associated with him in Church, business, and sport. They were Messrs. D. Aitken, J. Charlton (represent ing the Kangaroo Point Methodist Church), F. J. Rudd, J. McMillan (Yeronga Bowling Club), C. J. Lacey, and A. Johnson (Bayards Pty., Ltd,). Included among those present at the funeral were the Deputy Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of Freemasons of Queensland (Rt. Wor. Bro. E. A. Jones), a representative of the Brisbane Masonic Lodge, No. 270 (Rt. Wor. Bro. R. Black), Brisbane Re tailors' Association (Messrs Frazer East and S. Earl, president and secretary respectively, as well as a great many members). The Yeronga Bowling Club attended in full force, headed by the president, Mr. H. A. Manahan, and the Queensland Bowling Association was represented by Messrs. W J. Strachan (president) and J. F. Chapman (president-elect). At the graveside ceremony the Rev. B. P. Pope eulogised the late Mr. Bayard's many sterling qualities.

Courier-Mail (Brisbane, Qld. : 1933 - 1954), Thursday 18 November 1954, page 1


MR. Henry George Bayard, 65, of Park Road, Yeronga, who died on May 1. 1953. left a gross personal estate of £109,092. He bequeathed the estate to his widow and son. Mr. Bayard collapsed while on a motoring health trip to New South Wales. He died at Armidale. He was a former managing director af Bayards Pty. Ltd., Queen Street department store. Founded 1 896 Mr. Bayard was the elder son of Mr. George Bayard, who founded the family business in 1896 at South Brisbane. The firm moved to its present site in Queen Street in 1939, and branches were established at Ipswich and Nambour. Mr. Bayard had been treasurer of the Retailers' Association. He served with the Army Service Corps in World War I.

For those who are reading this and never knew the company Bayards here are some advertisements from the newspapers of that time. Definitely a reflection of the trading names of an earlier Brisbane with the 1954 Bayard's advertisements reflecting a very different society to the one of today.

Brisbane Telegraph (Qld. : 1948 - 1954), Wednesday 1 December 1954, page 10

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